Last Sunday, after leaving the Historic Barns of Nipmoose after documenting Brendan + Karen’s day, I stopped in Cazenovia. Ashley and Parker were back home from NYC for a wedding, and we took the chance to meet and capture engagement portraits.
It’s so different from the wedding day – not only because it is usually months in advance – but because it gives you a glimpse into normal, everyday life. The wedding day stands alone and can’t be touched or compared to – but the engagement session is the first step in building a library of images that really tell who you are. Most people are not photographed often, at least professionally, so it gives us a chance to introduce you to the process of working together and most importantly to begin building a relationship based on trust. When you trust me, communication flows more easily, worries are tossed aside and I become more than just a person with a camera on your wedding day. I am allowed to be that artist with a vision that I want to be, and you want me to be.
Dates are still open in 2015 and this fall I only have room to book engagement sessions for couples whose wedding day I am also photographing. Send me a message to get in touch and I’d love to hear from you!