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2015 Goals

It’s never too late to write a goals post, am I right? I mean, sure half of the year is over but that just means I get to add the things I’ve already accomplished… and cross them off. Feels so good to remember that I have done something with my life beside produce an amazing […]


It’s never too late to write a goals post, am I right? I mean, sure half of the year is over but that just means I get to add the things I’ve already accomplished… and cross them off. Feels so good to remember that I have done something with my life beside produce an amazing amount of milk. Oops, that was so inappropriate. Seriously though the past few weeks have been rough. Dax is teething, wedding season has officially started, and you should see the bags under my eyes… but instead look at my new favorite picture of me and the kids. I never thought I would be a lip kisser, but so far it’s stuck with Daphne and we’ll see how long it lasts. Matt captured it on film during the Mother’s Day mini sessions I hosted at the Foundry Suites in Buffalo. If you want to hear from me when I host mini sessions again contact me using the form above!)

So why am I taking the time mid-year to share any of this with you? Saying things makes it much more real (and by saying I mean blogging, of course) – but I also want you to keep me accountable, join me on some adventures and cheer me along the way. Can I ask for that? I personally love to cheer (ask my runner friends) and so you should probably let me know how I can do so. To be completely honest, I need some cheering and some wise advice in my life. I have been living in the country far too long and with two kids I don’t get to see good friends often enough to sit down and have these conversations as much as I’d like.


  • Move
    • This is obviously a big one, but we have decided it’s time to find a space to call home and it is no longer in our current house that we thankfully rent (I’ll miss you 14 ft ceilings!). It can take us anywhere, so if you have stories to share about leaving or staying or what you liked or disliked about the choices you made please share!
  • Discard and giveaway our extra possessions. Started! More on that soon
  • Have a baby. Did it! You can just cross something like that off, right? I mean, no other work is involved…
  • Become a runner again
    • I love to run, or maybe I should say I love the feeling of being in shape… and yes that post baby motivation is not as high as it was the first time.
  • Train for a marathon (planning to run one next spring- want to join?)
  • Sell our cars and buy one that fits our family better. Subaru Outback it is! We still have one car to sell, but we are looking forward to being a one car family and I think it will suit us well.
  • Spend uninterrupted time with family (currently doing so in Michigan this weekend!!)
    • This is hard, because I feel the constant need to work, but I’m getting a lot better at letting go and being present. (I said better, not perfect). Also, having a few weekends off this summer will help with that
  • Go on vacation
  • hire a babysitter for 2x a week so we can ride our bikes / work jointly on business
  • Use Powersheets to focus my time + refine my vision for 6 months
  • Commit to a plant centered diet – I’ll talk more on that later


  • bring people on to help share my workload
  • improve my website + blog performance through seo consulting happening!
  • have my work featured in a print magazine
  • set up a mentoring session for myself
  • shoot film regularly I am doing so at portrait + engagement sessions
  • develop a plan for incorporating film into my workflow permanently
  • develop + host a workshop for photographers Woven Workshop is with Christina Shaw + Sarah Bridgeman – join us July 9th!
  • find a new rhythm to regular blogging
  • continue to develop client relationships + take amazing photos at my 2015 weddings!!

The best word to describe 2015 is : change. Some of the change has already happened (Matt leaving his job, Dax being born) but it has set us up for more change and decisions to be made as you can tell from the list above. While I tend to be the ambitious type I am also well aware of the challenges of balancing ambition with life – especially life with two kids. If there is one thing I know it’s that at this point I won’t be able to grow on my own. That is to say, I can’t do more at this point and work a reasonable amount. So does parenting, if you have small children you know the hours involved with taking care of them day to day. So before you think “wow she can really do it all” and start hating some part of my list know that at this point I can’t do it all. We are a work in progress, and in large part Matt keeps us balanced or at least plays a huge role in allowing me to accomplish things day to day. However, it’s not perfect. Will it ever be? Probably not, but I’m okay with imperfection.

A classic Cape Cod wedding never goes out of style, especially at the Kittansett Club.

A Chautauqua wedding is stunning no matter the size. Karen and Walker pivoted to host the most amazing micro wedding at this historic American retreat.

Looking for a Catskills wedding venue? Browse Jaclyn and Scott’s photos to see what makes a Full Moon Resort wedding so special.