I find it so interesting that moments can feel so quite and serene when captured in a photo. The situation surrounding them can be anything but, and yet looking back everything feels peaceful and still. Here are a few of the simple moments of late from our life, cooking, playing, and enjoying time together. Oh, and how adorable is that birthday boy (my nephew) in the cap + mask I made him? He couldn’t stop looking at himself in the mirror.
While things have started to slow down there is still much to be done to finish off the year. Two December weddings remain – one in Rochester and one in Lake Placid – and I can’t wait to photograph both winter days. I pack extra mittens and boots for those days since I know what it’s like to photograph in the cold (totally worth it). Also, the marshmallow factory is starting up soon so you might be hearing from me to check in on your address. In the midst of preparing to close the year I plan to begin celebrating Christmas by spending time with my family reading the Bible and reflecting on Advent perhaps… and finish my gift buying / making… which means I’ll be trying to quell the urge to shop for myself in the process. If you have any Advent calenders or reading traditions you use to prepare for Christmas (here is one I found that my friend Melissa collaborated on) I’d love to hear! It’s time for us to start making some of our own traditions and be intentional with how we celebrate. I probably should have started doing so sooner, but it’s never too late!