July is coming to an end and that means it’s time for us to come home. Part of the joy of being a wedding photographer is the chance to travel to new places, and this summer we had an adventure I never imagined. Don’t worry, from now on our lives will be back to normal and there will be no more jealousy inducing posts from far off places. I will try to make up for it with images of me in sweatpants around the house, an empty fridge and hours at my computer (okay hopefully only one or two of those come true). I had plans to be an amazing blogger during this trip, but alas my best plans escaped me and a severe lack of internet kept me at bay. A little disconnection, however, is good for all of us.
We spent the past week in Montana for the wedding of a close friend from high school. In addition to shooting the wedding, we enjoyed time with family and friends, fell in love with the landscape and had a few adventures. It was the first trip to Montana for both Matt and I, and it was a memorable one. Here is a look at our time in Montana and see you in New York!!
*all images taken with my iphone and edited in instagram, except the 2 whitewater shots – purchased from the rafting co.!