It’s that time of year! Time to make some homemade marshmallows and send them off to arrive on the doorstep of clients and friends. This time I want to include you! You probably know that I love my clients. They invest in me, and I try to push myself each year to do even better as a photographer and business person. I hope you also know I love my blog readers, friends and fans who like to read along and follow my adventures.
So, I’ll be sending out two extra boxes of treats this year and if you would like to get one of those parcels in your mailbox, enter to win! There are three ways to do so, each count for one entry:
- leave a comment on this blog post (either through normal comment section or facebook comments)
- tweet “send me some homemade marshmallows @marydaph”
- leave a comment on the image above posted on my facebook page
Two winners will be selected at random at 8pm on Sunday, 12/16 when the giveaway closes… and now, time to crank out a few hundred marshmallows :)