I think one of the most challenging things as a photographer or artist is how to edit yourself. How do you narrow it down to your best work, show just enough to make it well rounded and yet concise? After spending so much time creating it’s hard to cut things out… and yet a strong group of 10 images will say more than 20 so-so shots. As you develop your style or gain experience the easier it is to tell immediately what you like and don’t like of your own, but it takes time to refine that collection. It’s that presentation of your best work that can move you forward and give a clear picture of what you do.
So, it’s probably time I address the elephant in the room. I haven’t really updated my website in too long to mention. I know, it’s been weighing on me for a while and it’s about time to do something. It’s the thing I’ve been pushing off and pretending is fine, but I know it doesn’t have my best or most recent work on it. Don’t get me wrong – I love the weddings, couples and families that are up there, but it needs to be taken care of – like a garden. It’s no surprise that I’m a terrible gardener.
I finally purchased photo mechanic this year after hearing about it for a the past three and I highly recommend it! It’s the fastest way for sure to sort through large quantities of images and previews are generated lightening fast. I’m looking through the collection of best work I’ve pulled and will let you know when I have everything updated!