I have to stop myself sometimes and remember you will only be this little for a short amount of time. August was a challenging month, not only because your two front teeth joined the mouth party to bring the count to four, or because you started crawling and therefore getting into everything, or even because we started to seriously work on you putting yourself back to sleep in the middle of the night. This month your dad started coaching again. Not only are the summers off for the students, but his 9 month contract allows him flexibility in the summer so he spent a lot of time with us. I was spoiled. We didn’t share the household duties, he completely took care of cleaning and laundry – which was a huge chore since our washing machine was broken for several weeks (cloth diapers + broken washer = zero fun). Together we took care of you, taken turns watching you and bringing you with us on runs so that we all got a workout in. Most of all I had just enough time to get work done.
Things have changed, and after two weeks of non-stop activity for preseason we will attempt to settle into a new rhythm. We are working on a schedule that will allow me to continue working, spend time taking care of you, and that will let us all be a family for at least a few hours of each day. Yeah, we want to have it all.
I’m doing my best to not only stay on top of work but be present when I’m with you, Daphne. I’m going to enjoy our time in the kitchen with you crawling around to grab the dogs tails and sneaking your hand into their water bowl. I’ll happily push you in the swing under the tree and let you watch the chickens peck and scratch at the ground. It goes without saying that I’ll sing to you every day and put on music to dance to and make you laugh. We’re working on balancing everything, and in the meantime I appreciate everyone’s patience as I take a bit longer to write back, call and get in touch… including yours Daph.